Hello Guys As i have seen many people keep asking about how to make social icons open In new window of header as well as of footer, So today i am writing an article how to achieve it stay tuned ….
Before Starting I will suggest you guys to make Child theme in that child theme copy the footer.php file in as we going to add the code in the footer.php file
<script type="text/javascript">
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.et-social-icon a').each(function() {
$(this).attr('target', '_blank');
Copy the Code above and follow the steps:-
- Go to Appearance->Editor.
- Select footer.php from right side.
- Paste the above copied code just above as shown in the image below and update the file.

Voila We are done and now all social Icon images will load in a new window.
Thank you! This worked for me. A couple other solutions I found in my search did not work. I wanted to have the social links that show up in the Person Module open in a new window. All I had to do was replace the class .et-social-icon with .et_pb_member_social_links. My site is site.womenofrighteousness.com, soon to be moved from it’s dev state to womenofrighteousness.com.